What Is A Pilgrimage?
A pilgrimage is a journey of moral or spiritual significance, undertaken in response to deep questions and a yearning for answers from a realm beyond the everyday. A religious pilgrimage can be described as a search for a holy realm and a direct encounter with the sacred. An ecological pilgrimage can be seen as a search for experience of deep participation with the earth and her creatures. I undertook two major pilgrimages in my little yacht Coral to the west coast of Ireland and Scotland which I wrote about in Spindrift and In Search of Grace.
Spindrift: A Wilderness Pilgrimage At Sea
Spindrift was originally published by Vala Publishing Cooperative whose list was taken over by Jessica Kingsley Publications in 2016

This is the story of a sailing odyssey, but also an inward journey into deep truths about who we are and how we belong in the universal scheme. A meditation on sailing and life, it is a hugely enjoyable and thought-provoking book for landlubbers, sailors, philosophers, and naturalists alike. Mostly sailing alone, Peter Reason invites us to share in the minute-by-minute challenges of seamanship and navigation on his journey in his yacht coral from Plymouth across the Celtic Sea and back again. Exploring far more than the seaways, the author successfully manages to tell the story of the journey with another dimension – that of investigating and reflecting on our human place in the ecology of the planet. Above all this book shows us that nature is not just a place to visit but is our home.
Rubery Book Award 2014 Non Fiction Winner
‘This is a beautifully presented book about a journey from Plymouth across the Celtic Sea and back again, partly a sailing story and partly a meditation on life and nature. The narrative is lyrical and thoughtful.’
Contact Peter
In Search of Grace: An ecological pilgrimage

To recover from ecological disaster we humans must transform the sense of who we are in relation to the Earth. In Search of Grace is the story of an ecological pilgrimage undertaken by the author in his small yacht Coral from the South of England, around the West Coast of Ireland to the far north of Scotland. It explores themes of pilgrimage: the overall pattern of separation from the everyday, venturing forth and returning home. It tells of meeting wildlife, visiting sacred places, confronting danger, expanding and deepening the experience of time, of silence and of fragility.
Contact Peter