Ecological Writing

Ecological Writing & Nature Writing

After retirement from academic life, I completed the MA in Creative Writing at Bath Spa University and re-defined myself as a nature writer. For a while I contributed a regular column to Resurgence & Ecologist; and contributed to EarthLines, GreenSpirit, Zoomorphic, LossLit, The Island Review, and The Clearing.


Peter Reason P. & Sarah Gillespie. (2021). On Sentience: Essays | Drawings. Dartington: The Letter Press.

Peter Reason & Sarah Gillespie. (2019) On Presence: Essays | Drawings. Dartington, The Letter Press

Reason, P. (2017) In Search of Grace: An ecological pilgrimage. London: Earth Books.

Reason, P. (2014) Spindrift: A wilderness pilgrimage at sea. London: Jessica Kingsley (originally published by Vala Publications).

Reason, Peter and Melanie Newman, eds.(2013) Stories of the Great Turning. London, Jessica Kingsley (originally published by Vala Publications).

Journal Articles, Book Chapters, Occasional Writing

Other Lives Stephan Harding. The Guardian Dec 23, 2024

The Sacred as Immanent in a Sentient World. Pari Perspectives 15, pp.42-51 (2023)

Extending Co-operative Inquiry Beyond the Human: Ontopoetic inquiry with Rivers. Action Research (2023). DOI:10.1177/14767503231179562

The Teachings of Mistle Thrush and Kingfisher (with Sarah Gillespie). Australian Journal of Environmental Education. Special Issue: Indigenous Philosophy in Environmental Education: Relearning How to Love, Feel, Hear, and Live with Place. (2023). DOI:

Toward Panpsychic Experience: A sentient world on our pulses. In Spiritual Awakenings:
Scientists and Academics Describe their Experiences Volume II. Postmaterialist Sciences Series, Edited by Marjorie Woollacott and David Lorimer

Keeping Company with the Cosmos. New Chan Forum 61 (Autumn 2021): 45-59.

The River Biss in Trowbridge: Opening green space for wildlife and people. Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, 2021

I Know of no Good Way to Live. A Spot of Writing Magazine(3), 23-26, 2021. Retrieved from

Robin. Paradigm Explorer, 2021/1, 30-31.

Voicing Rivers through Ontopoetics: A Co-operative Inquiry. (with Jacqueline Kurio) River Research and Applications, Special Issue: Voicing Rivers. (2022)38:376-384

Down by River. New Urban Orientations: Pause: small stories. March 2021

'It is far better to light a candle than curse the darkness.' New Chan Forum No.60, 2021, 31-34.

Sensing Life's Patterns through Creative Practice. Haumea Ecological Podcast No 1 with Sarah Gillespie, Cathy Fitzgerald and Nikos Patedakis. 2021.

A Celebration: Experiencing Gaia. In S. Kumar & P. Cenkl (Eds.), Transformative Learning: Reflection on 30 years of Head, Heart, and Hands at Schumacher College. Gabriola Island, BC: New Society Publishers.

Snæfellsjökull. PAN Philosophy Action Nature. 15:40-44, 2021

Meadowsweet. Resurgence, No 322, August/September 2020: 47.

West Wind. Resurgence & Ecologist, No. 320, May/June 2020: 42.

Haiku 2020

Art in a time of catastrophe (with Sarah Gillespie) Kosmos, Winter 2019

The Oak Tree. Resurgence & Ecologist, No.317, Nov/Dec 2019:39

Deep Water. Resurgence & Ecologist, No.315, July/August 2019

Beyond. The Clearing. June 2019

Presence. Resurgence & Ecologist, No.314, May/June 2019:39

The Road Is Your Footsteps. Resurgence & Ecologist, No.313 March/April 2019: 37.

Haiku 2014-2019

Midwinter Light and Shadow. Resurgence and Ecologist No.312 Jan/Feb 2018:39

Searching for the Source. Resurgence and Ecologist No.311 Nov/Dec 2018:36

To Bend with Apples. Resurgence & Ecologist, No.310 Sept/Oct (2108):41

Ecological Pilgrimage. Journal of Holistic Health Care, Vol.15, No.2, Summer 2018

Dreams of a Midsummer Night. Resurgence and Ecologist No.309 July/August (2018):44

The Turning of the World. Resurgence and Ecologist No.308 May/June (2018):45

The Signless Signpost. The Clearing, March 2018

Return to the Whole. Resurgence & Ecologist No.307 March/April (2018): 44

A Reflection in Liquid Pearl. Resurgence & Ecologist No.306 January/February (2018): 44.

Isay. The Island Review (2018).

A Place of Greater Calm. Resurgence & Ecologist, No.305 November/December (2017): 46.

By the East Lyn River. Resurgence & Ecologist, no. No.304 September/October (2017): 44.

Fragile. Dark Mountain Blog (2017).

Voyages of Discovery, Open to the Wild. Resurgence and Ecologist, No.303 (2017): 30-32.

Time and Ecological Pilgrimage. In Participatory Research in More-Than-Human Worlds edited by Michelle Bastian, Owain Jones, Emma Roe, and Michael Buser. London: Routledge, Forthcoming 2016.

The Nest. LossLit, Three (2016).

Cooperative Inquiry: An action research Practice (with Sarah Riley). In Jonathan Smith (ed) Qualitative Psychology: A practical guide to research methods. London: Sage Publications, 3rd ed 2015, 168-198

Meeting the Whale. Zoomorphic

The Cocker/Macfarlane Exchange Unpublished 2015

Moments of Grace. EarthLines 9, (2015): 15-20.

Sailing with Gregory Bateson. In Seascapes: Shaped by the Sea. Embodied Narratives and Fluid Geographies, edited by Mike Brown and Barbara Humberstone, 101-108. London: Ashgate, 2015.

Berlin, the Holocaust and the Crisis of Ecology. EarthLines, Issue 9, Summer 2014, 35-40.

How to Write a Love Letter to the Earth. EarthLines no. 4 (2013): 25.

The Great Conversation: Peter Reason Explores the Significance of New Nature Writing. Resurgence & Ecologist No 275, (2012).

Listen, Little Man: Reflections one dark morning. Original Blessing: a creation spirituality network newsletter, 2(6), 6-8. (2000)